Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Our class has been in a study of Hosea over the last few weeks. God, in His love, sent messengers (prophets) to the Israelites to warn them of their apostasy and to seek their return to Him (the one true God). This return involved more than just a mental assent to their waywardness from God and asking for His forgiveness.

Repenting is a “change of mind” (a change of direction). As sinners, we are pointed away from God in our thoughts, our actions, and our deeds……. we are slaves to sin. In Hebrew, the “mind” has a number of translations that include our heart, our soul, our spirit, our imagination, and our mouth (speech). So a “change of mind” is radical and complete. The “mind” is who you are and God wants all of us! Have you surrendered? Is God the most important fact of your existence? Does God’s saving grace consume you?

In John 8, Jesus was in the Temple area and announced He was the “Light” of the world and those that follow him will not “walk in darkness”. The religious lost (Pharisees) called him a liar and a dialogue of His “testimony” ensued with Jesus claiming its validity by the Father and Himself. He told them that He was “not of this world” and that they would die “in your sins” unless you believe in Him. And the scripture says in 8:30, “many believed in Him”.

Is believing “repentance”? Jesus followed with a statement to the “believers” in 8:31 “ If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.” To “abide” means to accept, to act in accordance, and to continue without fading. Does that characterize our salvation (deliverance)? God is the author and perfecter of our faith. Are we a new creation? Does the world sense and know that the things of this world do not hold our affections?

Jesus dealt with at least 3 different groups that day (and probably every day) in the Temple; the religious lost (Pharisees), believers that would not abide (not changed), and believers that would abide (and become disciples of the Truth). Are you in one of these groups? Jesus has gone to “prepare a place” for His disciples and He will come again to receive them.

The demons “believe” and shudder (James 2:19). Have you given God more than the fruit of your lips? Do you desire to abide with Him today? He desires to dwell with you today! Will you accept the most important “invitation” of your life or will you stumble in darkness separated from the eternal God!

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